6 Million Loaves of Bread Are Wasted Every Day.

Today, when the fight against hunger continues, along with these negative situations regarding wheat, bread waste has become a problem for all countries in the world and has reached significant levels in our country. Considering the causes and consequences of bread waste, which is of great social importance, it is understood that it also causes great losses in terms of our country's economy.

Universities, public institutions and non-governmental organizations try to prevent or reduce bread waste by informing the public at different times. However, according to the results of scientific research, it has been understood that bread waste continues in every segment of society and is at serious levels.

In addition to its primary duties, the Soil Products Office plans to launch a national campaign to prevent bread waste, which it sees as a social wound. At the meeting to be held soon, the results of the research commissioned by the institution will be announced and all aspects of the campaign will be announced to the public.
